It's the Ides of March!
AKA Deb's Birthday...Who wants to Party???
Yep, today is the 15th anniversary of my 29th birthday! I'm meeting my friend Bev for lunch in a few hours. J is taking me out to dinner tonight. And the celebration will continue tomorrow when I meet my sister, BIL, and several other people to go see "Wicked". Can you tell I'm excited?? I wish you could all be here too and we could make it a big ol' party!
With all that, I doubt you'll be surprised if I'm scarce for the next couple of days. I may even skip a day or two of blogging (gasp!), although I might not...hard to say. If I DO skip though, I'll make up the Daily Art Thang, as I'm still committed to posting one-a-day for a year, whether it's a photo, drawing, collage, fiber piece, whatever. And I'm sure I'll have lots to report by the weekend.
But before I get ready to go be spoiled rotten, I have to show you a couple of things. Oh...wait...the things I'm about to show you mean I've already been spoiled rotten. All righty then, so be it...Behold my spoiledededness:
(I supposed you've figured out that in this pic the stuff from Morv is wrapped. The shoe thing on the left is a card from Morven. Also, Jaye sent two books, but one was in a different room and I'm a lazy cow, so it isn't in the pic.)
Once I removed the shoe-and-purse wrapping paper from the stuff from Morv, this is some of what was inside. Do we notice a theme??
The little square magnet says "When in doubt, wear red". But of course!
These were in that pile too:
Yum!! People who live in New Zealand or Australia or some other places where these candies are common probably will be puzzled about why I'm excited about them, but I love Jaffas and Bursting Bees and you can't get them in the US (at least not anywhere near me).
How can you not love something that says it has "oozey liquid centers"?? [giggle]
Ok, I'm off for a day or two of fun. Before I go, I want to briefly, remind you that you still have 5 days to enter this month's Blogging 4 Books contest and make me proud!
Finally, here's the Photo du Jour:
"Ivy Shadows"
Later, y'all!
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