Self-Portrait Tuesday: Time, Week 3
The 11:11 Self-Portrait Project
It's week three of the March Self-Portrait Tuesday theme. If you want to read what I had in mind for this month, check out my entry for Week 1.
I have to say that now, at Week 3, this is starting to feel like one of those "it seemed like a good idea at the time, BUT..." sort of projects. I'm already tired of taking my photo twice a day. Can you say "burnout"? Sheesh. I don't know how some of these people who have been doing this sort of thing for years stick with it! But when I started this I made a commitment to myself to make it a month-long project, so I'm going to finish. I just keep reminding myself that there's only one more Tuesday in March after today. Whew!
Don't get me wrong, I'm really enjoying the things I'm seeing for the March theme. I think it's one of the best SPT themes yet. I'm just a little bored with my own personal take on it. You may perhaps be able to detect a hint of said boredom in the last photo of this series. Ahem.
Anyway, enough of that. Here it is:
"11:11, Week 3"
You can click on it if you want to see the photo group in larger in a new window.
And you can click here if you want to see links to dozens more SPT participants.
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