I signed up to participate in Deb Roby's
Simple Still Life creativity exercises and I fully intended to do a fiber piece for this first month, but like so many other participants I was feeling a time crunch and decided to play in Photoshop instead.
We were supposed to do something "inspired by" the still life Debra set up and I decided to do something a little different. I wanted to do a still-life-inspired fantasy landscape. So I did some cutting and pasting of elements from the still life, and some digital "painting" and made this:

"Moonwalk I"
(be kind....I'm still a rank beginner in Photoshop!!)
Then I played with the contrast and some filters to come up with this:

"Moonwalk II"
And then took it a couple of steps further yet to make this:

"Moonwalk III"
I'll be the first to admit that none of these efforts are great art, but it was an interesting exercise in doing something "inspired by" something else without trying to literally recreate it. And other than the background, I used only elements found in the still life to create the landscape.
I'm looking forward to seeing what others come up with for this challenge and what Debra comes up with to challenge us with next month.
That's one more thing crossed off my art-to-make list. Yay! On to Item Three...
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