In posting my ever-so-exciting trip photos yesterday, I never got around to mentioning the Good Mail and Bad Mail I had waiting for me when I got home.
I got two fiber postcards while I was gone. Yay! One was the second postcard I'd purchased in Virginia's ACS auction,
"Healing" by Lauren Fureymoore. As is often the case, it's much more rich-looking and gorgeous in person than it is in the photo.
I also got this postcard from my friend,

It's called "Won't Get Fooled Again" and features shiny, sparkly fabrics and fibers captured under tulle as well as a beady medallion I love. Thanks Frank!!
I also got an acceptance letter from PNQE for one of my mermaid quilts.

"Queen of Cups II"
Ok, so, she's a bit BarbieDoll-ish, but I still kind of like her. She's based on a photo of my friend Morven, when I stuck a cup in her hand one day and told her "pretend to be a mermaid queen" and took a bunch of pictures. And I love how the water turned out in this quilt. Juries never like her though. She's racked up all sorts of rejection letters over the past couple of years, so I was pleased to see her get into SOMETHING, SOMEWHERE before she "retires", poor thing.
On the other hand was the Bad Mail --- two skinny envelopes from IQA's World Of Beauty show in Houston, both of them for quilts that are much stronger (IMO) than the one PNQE accepted.

They didn't like "Tomato Soup & Grilled Cheese" (which is a prize winner elsewhere --- see the ribbon!)...

...or "Eyes of the Sun".
Ppppfffttt! Screw 'em. I'll try somewhere else. I find myself feeling annoyed with that show. At the risk of sounding really arrogant, I have a pretty damn good acceptance record for my quilts at a lot of other shows, but a really, truly TERRIBLE track record with IQA, and I'm thoroughly tired of sending them money year after year so they can keep my slides and send back a bunch of rejection letters. I might as well just read the old letters for free and save the entry fees to buy new shoes. I think it's time to stop playing with them and find dates for my quilts elsewhere. HA!
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