I just realized that my Simple Still Life project for April is probably due today but it isn't finished because I kind of forgot about it after I posted my starting photos. Oops. If I get something done before the day is over, I'll post it later, otherwise, I'll share something later this week. Gotta get some starting photos taken for May too!
I also have no real ideas for the first week of May's Self-Portrait Challenge theme. Need to work on that.
And I have come to the conclusion there isn't a chance in hell I'm going to finish my current quilt-in-progress by the Husqvarna Viking contest entry deadline.
And I'm feeling too pressed for time to turn a bunch of those things above into links like I usually would.
Not to mention J has been in California all last week and came home a few hours ago for One! Night! Only! and we're trying to get some CoupleStuff accomplished before he hits the road again.
All of which is a way-too-wordy way of telling you that today I'm doing Drive-Thru Blogging. Pretty much all you're getting from me at the moment is a photo from my continuing "bug's eye view of the plant kingdom" series. Oh, and this photo of some neighbors watching while I was on Photo Safari in the fields yesterday:

A lot of what I tried is languishing in the land of RockSuckage, but I liked this one:

"What if Dandelions Were Really
Really Tall?"
More soon, y'all!
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