Quick Notes About...
I had gotten behind the past couple of days, but I've now posted replies to comments for the last three posts or so. I'm not saying any of my replies are super-exciting, but if you commented and want to see if I said anything back, you know where to look.
...Alzheimer's Art Quilt Initiative
Ami's next auction to raise money for Alzheimer's research is running May 1 - 10 and you can see what will be available to buy there. There are some nice small pieces there, including one of mine, so if you're interested in perhaps buying a small piece of fiber art for a good cause, check Ami's site out on Monday.
...Fiberart For A Cause Reverse Auction
Then if you're interested in owning a bigger ticket piece of fiber art, (again including one of mine) Virginia's FFAC Reverse Auction will open May 16 at 10 AM CST, with a special one-day-only "must buy it now" opportunity on May 15 starting at 10 AM CST. Virginia has the buy-it-now prices and the opening auction bid prices posted here if you want to check them out. Each day something doesn't sell, the price will drop until either it's sold or the auction ends (which happens on the 23rd at 7 PM CST) and all money raised will go to the American Cancer Society.
...An Experimental Photo
I want to share a photo with you that I think is really cool, although I can't take credit for much beyond having a wacky idea. Every day on my walks I've been passing stands of mayapple plants lately. They aren't blooming yet, but I just love the way the leaves look like little parsols. I got to wondering how it would look to photograph them from below, but they're very low to the ground so there's no way I could get low enough to frame a shot.
So yesterday I thought "whatthehell, let's try something". So I set the auto-focus and timer functions on the camera and then just laid it on the ground under a stand of plants and stood back and waited. I did that a couple of different times with a couple of different plants. That's one of the things I LOVE about digital cameras is that I can try off-the-wall stuff like that without wasting film (and therefore money). If they turn out badly I just erase them! But I kind of love how this turned out:
"A Layered World of Green"
(clickable if you want to see it larger in a new window - and you really should!)
I also tried to get a photo of the snake I found in the grass a few feet away right after this shot, but I missed him! Hopefully he was a nice snake.
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