I had some stuff I wanted to show and tell that I didn't want to mix all in with the whole Self-Portrait Tuesday thing, so I'm breaking up today's bloggerific posts. (It's ok, they'll get over it!)
First of all,
Blogging 4 Books is live for April! Yay! So go.
Read. Write. WIN! Let's make sure the judges for April have just as hard a decision as the March judges did!
And because I promised (even though it's probably pretty anticlimactic at this point!), here are a few pics taken a week ago when The Girls were in for a visit.
This is the whole group at lunch at Marshall Keyes Tavern in Old Washington, Kentucky:

It was really nice of the restaurant to write our names on the walls, but it was tricky lining up properly underneath them, especially when I had to balance that little painting on my head. (BaDumDUM!)
After lunch we went to a little gift/antique shop nearby and Nancy spotted this loverly floral hat she had to try on. That's Bev looking on.

"Nannie Pearl"
And in the next shop we met this big guy:

"Tommy Edward"
Look at his nose - it's a perfect little heart! It's hard to see with the way I was holding him, but he was a moose...at least 20 lbs. of kitty and super-friendly. He came butting up against my legs and then sat back on his hind legs and put his front paws up toward me, for all the world like a little child will hold up their arms when they want an adult to pick them up.
I couldn't resist, so I DID pick him up and he immediately settled in to purr and make biscuits on my arm. That's when Morv snapped the pic above. I threatened to bring my neurotic EDKSky kitty back and trade him in on Tommy Edward, but of course I can't do it. He's weird, but he's mine. And plus I don't think TE's people are that stupid. Heh.
At the end of a long day of eating, shopping, and laughing, we looked like this:

I admit I could have done without the whole getting sick thing (which started later that night as we were watching a movie), but up until that point, the visit was just lovely. Aaaahhhh...
Maybe sometime I'll tell you about us playing Beauty Salon the next day!
Oh yeah, and here, as a rather pathetic effort toward the whole DAT, is another doodle.

"SquiggleDoodle 2"
Try to contain your excitement, 'k? 'k!
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