1. I was going to write at least part of a blog entry last night, but it wasn't to be. Severe thunderstorms ripped through here like the Furies last night (including a possible tornado that peeled the roof off a community center about 10 miles from here). It wasn't long before the electricity was gone and I was huddling in bed with the cat and my batter-powered book light. I was asleep before the power came back on.
1b. I feel SO behind on everything right now! First I was cleaning and organizing in anticipation of houseguests, then they were here (yay!), then they were gone and I was sick (boo! hiss!), then I was getting better (yay!) but I'm SO not there yet (sigh). I tried to take a walk yesterday afternoon, for the first time in nearly a week, and going half my usual distance left me exhausted and breathing raggedly. This sucks rocks.
1c. One of the things I'm lagging behind on is posting a few pics of the GreatGirlfriendCaper. Soon...promise!
1d. Another thing I'm behind on is getting my quilts ready to send to AQS for the big show. I made a note on the calendar that said (on today's date) "ship quilts to AQS this week", but I haven't yet chosen boxes, printed labels, checked the quilts for any needed cleaning or repairs, or filled out any of the exhibit paperwork. Guess maybe I should get started on that soon, yes? Ahem.
2. If you check over there somewhere ----> in my sidebar, you'll notice a new button called "WordPlay". That's the name that
Laume has given to the Personal Dictionary project she started and that I and a few others have taken up. You know - those "A is for..." and "B is for..." posts that many of you are enjoying. If you click on the button, it'll take you to the guidelines and a list of people who are playing. There's no deadline or anything...anyone can start anytime. So if you think it seems fun and you want to make your own lists, just click on the WordPlay button and visit
Laume and let her know and she'll add you to the list of participants. (Also, I want to say thank you to
Deirdre for creating the cool button!)
3. Since my main activity over the past week, other than napping and coughing that is, has been reading, I have to tell you that I just finished a book I really loved! I think I first heard about it on
Joshilyn's blog and I know it was strongly recommended to me by
Deborah. Anyway, I won't say much about it other than that it's southern fiction, great characters, interesting story. Read it! -
"The Rock Orchard" by Paula Wall.
4. And while I'm recommending things, check out
the Interesting Thoughts of Edward Monkton, a cartoonist that Morven told me about. I thought his stuff was hilarious!
5. I thought this was interesting too:
6. Finally, for my Daily Art Thang, you get a doodle. I was getting bored with photos, but needless to say I haven't been doing any sewing or serious drawing the past week or two, so....doodle. Heh.

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