Thank you everyone who left a comment or sent an email or ecard with "get better" wishes. They must have worked because I'm seeing a definite improvement this morning.
I spent the past two days on the couch, alternating between reading and napping, with an occasional DVD of a movie-that-doesn't-require-much-thought thrown in for variety; had a fever that stayed somewhere between 100 and 102; zero energy (I went to the basement for something yesterday and by the time I walked back up the stairs I was breathing like I'd been climbing a mountain); no appetite (even when I'd get hungry, food was smelling so disgusting to me that I couldn't deal with it....saltines and sherbet have been my dear friends the past couple of days...and water, lots and lots and LOTS of water); oh, and lets not forget the racking cough that felt like someone with bony fingers was jabbing me in the chest.
But sometime during the night the stoooopid fever finally broke and in a weird backwards sort of move, the congestion in my chest seems to have floated up to my head and this morning I just feel like I have an ordinary head cold - not fun, certainly, but a HUGE improvement over the last couple of days!! Yay!!
To Morv, Bev, Brenda, and Nancy - unfortunately I have no idea at what point I was contagious but I hope to heaven it wasn't while y'all were here. I'm sending lots of non-germy stay-well vibes your way.
And again I want to say thank you to everyone who sent me get-well wishes. I probably won't respond to all of them individually since I'm now so behind on everything, but please know that I appreciate them very much!
As I feel up to it over the next few days, I'll post some catch-up stuff...both Daily Art stuff and "fun things I did before I got sick" stuff, as well as replies to some comments that need replies.
Here's today's Daily Art Thang:

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