For the final week of the Reflections theme, I'm sharing photos that are about
I'm snug at home, surrounded by memories.
Peering into the mirror of a yard sale find dresser,
my mother's antique lamp in front of me
and one of my childhood photos over my shoulder.
EDKSky wants to see what I'm doing.
As I look into a mantle inherited from J's "second mom",
I see a portrait of my great-grandparents.
People tell me I look like her.
(That's a glimpse of one of my paintings at the bottom of the photo.)
My reflection in a bathroom mirror, feeling blue...
...but all wrapped up for freshness!
(Technical note: I put blue plastic wrap - deliberately somewhat wrinkled - over the mirror for those last two shots.)
This has been a fun SPT month. Looking forward to hearing what the theme is for January!
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