The other day, I cruised through
Davezilla's blog and noticed the link to the
St. Andrew's Face Morpher. It's a website where you can upload a photo of yourself (or someone else) and then "morph" the photo using options in a drop-down list.
You can make the person in the photo look older or younger. You can masculinize a woman's face or feminize a man's. You can see how that face would look if the person had a different racial background. And then there's the one that I had the most fun with --- seeing how a famous artist might have interpreted that face.
So far there are only three artists on the list: Modigliani, Boticelli, and Mucha. (According to the folks at St. Andrew's, Mucha would have made me look really Gaaaaah-geous!!) I'd love to see them add more! Wouldn't it be fun to see your face as Van Gogh might have painted it? DaVinci? Sargeant? Picasso? Cezanne? Renoir? Kahlo? Magritte? Rembrandt? An ancient Egyptian tomb painter? I plan to check back now and then, hoping they'll eventually add more artists to the list.
My only disappointment with it, other than wanting more choices, is that I can't save any of the images. Right-clicking won't work. In theory there's supposed to be an option to save the images you create, but it doesn't seem to want to work with my browser and/or server.
11:00 PM news update ---
Thanks to Carol, who shared a lesson in capturing a screen-shot, I managed to save some photos. Yay, Carol!!
Here is the photo I started with, along with the three "artist-styled" versions. I know my photo looks like a bad mug shot, but was nearly midnight, my face was make-up-free, my hair was uncombed, and since Johnny was already asleep and the dogs and cat don't have opposable thumbs, you get one of those "hold the camera out at arm's length" photos.
Clockwise from top left: Real-me, Modigliani-me, Mucha-me, Boticelli-me
Oh yeah...and I found out that if I was a man, I'd look like a vaguely creepy red-haired Daniel Jackson from Stargate SG1. Even J agreed it's true.
Ok, here we go, another update. (And I really can't believe I'm posting this, vain creature that I am, but here goes.) Take a look and tell me if I don't look like Michael Shanks', aka Daniel Jackson's, much less attractive, rather creepy, possibly sunburned, red-haired brother when I morph my photo into a man.
Man-me (the brother with the "great personality" [NOT]) and "Daniel Jackson" (the brother who would obviously be getting all the dates!)
Ok, I'm off. I have a small quilty idea I want to explore and my hubby and I have a date tonight, so I need to get some work done this afternoon.
Didn't get much done on the quilty project, but I did make a start. J and I went to a movie (Fantastic Four) and out to dinner (Mexican food). I liked both!
Later 'gators...
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