It's over, I'm home, it wasn't as bad as I was afraid it was going to be. In fact, I'd have to say Grandpa was pretty much on his best behavior yesterday. (And so was I.) Whew!
My dearest darling was out of town, so he isn't in the photo below, but here's the rest of the clan:

Me, Ruby (step-grandma), Grandpa, Sandy (sis), Andy (bro-in-law), Merle (step-mom), Dad
And here's a photo the ruler of the Keeton household, my "step-dog" Teddy, on Dad's lap.

He's half Pomeranian and half Chihuahua (Teddy, that is, not Dad) and he runs circles around my big dogs when he comes to visit.
And last-but-not-least, my reward to myself for playing nice (c'mon, you KNEW this was coming, right?):

Nothing says "yay me" like gold flip-flops...aaaahhhh! (smile)
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