Comments on Comments
I want to thank everyone again who commented with ideas for names for my latest quilt series. I'm not going to reply to each one individually, so please accept my big group hug, along with air kisses and exclamations of "you're pretty!".
Also, thank you for the comments about my adventures in Lexington and for the congrats you sent on my quilts being accepted into the AQS exhibit in Paducah. :::beam:::
I thought I'd respond here to a couple of things people said or asked.
About yesterday's Simple Still Life post, Gerrie asked:
"Love the bench setting. Are they all your hats?"
Two are mine - the straw one with the black band and the solid black one, which is a vintage hat from around 1940. The black cowboy hat with the gold band is Johnny's.
Regarding Paducah and the quilts that got in, Amy asked:
"Do you eat your grilled cheese with tomato soup? I thought my grandparents were the only ones who did that!"
I know LOADS of people who love that combo, so your grandparents aren't alone! Truth be told, I prefer my grilled cheese with chili or with veggie soup, but tomato soup is good too and that's what the colors in the quilt reminded me of. (Everyone please be careful not to trip on that dangling participle, ok? Thanks!)
And Caity said:
"OMG Deb, you have TWO quilts going to Paducah? And you're even THINKING about not going? YOU HAVETA GO, girl!!"
Mmm, well, yes, not to sound obnoxiously BLASE about it or anything, but I've had several quilts in Paducah in previous years. So, yes, I'm EXCITED, truly I am, but I'm not feeling like I'll just melt into a puddle and die if I don't go see them hanging. Here's the thing - a group of people I know from online are getting together in June and I reallyReally want to go see them (although I'm still trying to work out the details). In purely practical terms of time and money, I can probably work it out to take that trip in June, OR I could probably work it out to go to Paducah next month, but I probably CAN'T do both. So. Hhhmmm. Still thinking about that one. And I know all-too-well that the hotel situation in Paducah is always a nightmare during quilt show week. If I DO go this year, I can pretty much guarantee I will be staying miles and MILES from town. Bleah.
Oscars Snark and Snaps
Well, didja watch? Didja, DIDJA? I did, although I muted huge chunks of it and read parts of a book during those sections. I refuse to watch the commercials or listen to the acceptance speeches (although I heard a couple of those were good this year).
I also don't have a lot to say about what did or didn't win because I haven't seen most of the movies that were nominated in the major categories, at least not yet.
But I can comment on the clothes! Heh.
Joshilyn had come good remarks on her blog this morning if you want to pop over and take a look. Here's some of what I replied to her there, as well as some stuff I forgot to say that I'll add here:
1. In response to Joss's comment about so many women wearing flesh-colored dresses, I said: You're SO RIGHT about the sea of ivory/cream/beige/gold/white dresses! And the women who weren't in those shades mostly had on black, or colors so dark they read as black in all but the brightest light - dark green (Charlize), plum (Meryl), burgundy (Kiera). I complained that the Project Runway designers seemed to have a color-phobia this year...Apparently it extends to professional designers and Hollywood stylists as well!
2. I thought Salma Hayak in her electric blue gown looked HOT. It was like seeing a bird of paradise blooming in a field of daisies. Ok,
sparkly daisies, but still...I'm just sayin'.
3. I loved J Lo's mossy green vintage gown too. It looked fabulous on her (and I don't even LIKE J Lo.)
4. In response to Joss's comment about some of the actresses looking too thin and saying they'd look even more beautiful if they'd gain 5 lbs. or so, I said: I'm pretty sure Charlize Theron beat you to the idea that Hollywood women are too thin and had some cookies stuffed into that bag she had slung over her shoulder. That way she could munch down a few carbs when the cameras weren't on her. How clever of her stylist to make the feed bag match her dress, yes? That way I bet most people assumed that was just a big-ass ugly bow!
5. I think Larry McMurtry (sp?) should have been sent home to change his pants before being allowed on stage. They weren't even NICE jeans, ferpetessake! It was like his top half was at the Oscars while his bottom half was mucking out a stable!
6. What a shame that Naomi Watts didn't have time to get a new dress and had to wear the one with the trim that was shredded by a cat. Poor thing.
7. I soSO wish Nicole Kidman would go back to red hair. I think she looks sickly and washed-out as a blonde, especially since she's one of the women who was nominated (by me! heh) in both the "sea of ivory" and "needs to eat a sandwich now and then" categories that were so popular last night.
8. Did I mention that Salma Hayak looked incredible?
9. I also thought Reese Witherspoon, Jennifer Garner, and Jessica Alba looked fabulous, despite all three of them participating in the Lack Of Color Parade.
10. Opening skit - surprisingly funny!
11. Also funny - Ben Stiller's green bodysuit silliness, Will Farrell and Steve Carrell in their
unique make-up, Lily Tomlin and Meryl Streep doing their Robert Altman tribute bit, George Clooney's comment on receiving the supporting Oscar actor that he must not have won for director (not only funny, but insightful!), and Jennifer Garner's recovery and comment about doing her own stunts after tripping on the hem of her gown.
So what caught YOUR eye at the Oscars last night? What were you happy about? What, if anything, made you groan, or mute the sound, or want to throw something at the screen?
If you didn't watch and want to see photos of some of the clothes I talked about, you can see red carpet photos
here. Just click on the link that says "Red Carpet Gallery".
Daily Art Thang
I'm rebelling at the lack of color last night and doing a tribute to color this morning. Here's a digital photo collage I call:
"Celebration of Green"
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