Thank you everyone for all the quilt series name suggestions! Polls are now closed, (so to speak) and I've got a few favorites, but am still undecided among those. I want to think about it a leeeetle more, so I will mull over the short list today and announce a winner by tomorrow evening, pinky swear! Stay tuned.
Yesterday brought Good Mail - word that both quilts I entered in the
American Quilter's Society show to be held in Paducah next month got accepted. Yay!! So if you're headed to Paducah for the exhibit, be on the lookout for "Tomato Soup & Grilled Cheese" in the traditional pieced wallhanging section...

"Tomato Soup & Grilled Cheese" (which last year's jury rejected!)
and "Eyes of the Sun" in...uh...some other section. I completely forget what category I entered this one in and I am soSO bad at the paperwork end of exhibit entries. Oops. Mixed technique wallhangings maybe?? Oh well, whatever, it's in and it'll be there somewhere! (I swear I think I need a personal assistant or a keeper or something.)

"Eyes of the Sun"
(Do you see how the spiral motif and colors of this quilt tie into this latest series that y'all are helping me name?)
This kind of makes me want to go to Paducah for the first time in a few years, but from a practical standpoint I'm not sure it'll work out. We'll see.
I know I owe some replies to some comments and emails but I'll probably be scarce this weekend, so if you're waiting to hear from me, hang in there and be patient just a little longer, k? Thanks! :-)
Now I'll leave you with the RSR Daily Art Thang. This is a photo of my front porch late yesterday afternoon:

"Shadow Grid"
This one's all about the lines, baby!
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