I decided to post my usual Friday Foto Trio, but with a color theme --- orange! Actually, last week's photos had a color theme too --- red/white/blue --- but I didn't mention it and I'm not sure if anyone noticed or not. :-)
On my ears...
Earrings I made a few weeks ago using some of my favorite orange beads. (Click on the photo if you want to see an even closer look at just the earring.) I showed a little of my shirt too, since it has a print of oranges all over it.
On the menu...
Carrots and sweet potatoes, to be cooked with onions and mushrooms and a small pork roast. If there are any leftovers from the roast, I'll make barbecue tomorrow.
On my dirt...
Ok, that should probably read something like "in my garden", but I'm into this whole "ON Friday" thing and felt compelled to make it fit. So sue me. Anyway, these are some wonderful pumpkin-colored pansies I planted this spring, along with some butter-cream yellow ones. You can see a couple of those in the foreground, although they look washed-out in this pic. They are actually warmer than that. The hosta leaf is from my favorite hosta, the August Lily, which blooms in August with large (for a hosta) white flowers that smell a bit like wild honeysuckle. Yum.
The headache is still here, but not near as bad as yesterday. I see improvement each day. Thank you to those who wrote either in comments or privately with sympathy and suggestions.
Still no quilting foot. Pppfffttt.
But on the happy side, I got three of my "babies" back today...quilts that have been touring for almost a year. Yay! If you want to see them, here are links to pics:
Wonky Houses
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