Take a look at what I got in the mail this week from PirateJan:

She read my
post about not having any wild and crazy horse fabric, so she made and sent me a Wild Horse fabric postcard. Isn't it great?! Thank you, Jan!
And it's time again for monthly Hor-O-Scopes by
Here's mine for November:
PISCES (Feb. 19 - March 20)
Oh, to be you. The golden halo of happiness is almost yours -- it is within reach! I'd be envious, but I know how hard you've been working to just move on and goshdarnit, you deserve it. Not to get too Oprah on you or anything, but this is one of those karmic times when you'll really start getting back what you've been putting in. Might I just suggest you share a little of the wealth? It's easier than it sound -- when happiness comes your way, simply don't go stingy on the smiles and ego-strokes that those around you need from time to time. Flattery, as it turns out, gets you everywhere!
Another good one! Cool! So if anyone needs any extra smiles and/or ego strokes this month, you let me know, ok? Sounds like I'm the Go-To Girl in that department this month. And just to get the ball rolling I want to tell you all - You're Pretty! Hope all your Hor-O-Scopes are pretty too!
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