Monday afternoon I got "Eyes of the Sun" back from
PIQF. Y'all remember "Eyes of the Sun", right? But in case you don't, here's my friend Bev standing next to it at PIQF, as my Quilt Stunt Double.

I always read the accompanying judges' comments from an exhibit. I know the judges don't have a lot of time with each quilt, so they can't be in-depth, and 9 times out of 10 all they do is tell me something I already know. But I always read them on the chance there could be that 1 out of 10 time they show me something about a piece I hadn't noticed before.
This time? Um...not so much. [grin]
Here's what my comment sheet said, exactly as written, spelling and all:
*vibrant color pallette works well
*hangs well
*fun development using scale of "block"
So it's official, y'all. "Eyes of the Sun" is colorful, fun, and well-hung. Yeah baby!
Here's hoping that some other exhibit jurors and judges like that in a quilt.
Oh, and because some people on a certain email list were complaining about the packaging of their quilts from PIQF, I will mention that mine was packaged perfectly. Thanks, PIQF Angels!
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