A late October day in Kentucky:

Front yard, looking toward the Upper Pond

Back yard, right next to the curly willow tree I can see from my studio window

Back yard, further back toward the barn, looking toward one of my favorite views

And even closer to the barn, looking in the same general direction as the previous shot
(This shot, which is clickable if you want to see it larger in a new window, is actually two slightly different angles very inexpertly stitched together in Photoshop to make a panoramic view. One of these days I need to learn to do that correctly!)
We had a very dry summer, so the foliage colors aren't as spectacular as they are some years, but I still think it looks pretty. Or maybe I should say
looked pretty. This morning we have lots of wind and rain, so I bet huge numbers of these leaves will be on the ground before nightfall.
PS...I'm sewing! Don't get too excited. It isn't an art quilt. It's a baby quilt for a friend. But still, it's
sewing! I'll share photos soon.
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