Rock Suckage
In commenting on my post from this morning, Debra asked, "Now I understand the suckage part... but what is that rock part???"
After I stopped giggling, I thought maybe I'd better explain because it probably IS confusing for those who don't hear me talk all the time. It's a DebRism. If I love something, it "makes angels sing"; if I hate something it "sucks rocks". So "the distinct sound of rock suckage" is an off-shoot of the thing I say when I don't like something. Make sense? Sort of??? LOL! And if anyone wants to know why bad things "suck rocks", I have absolutely no idea. They just do. Bad Things are like that.
And New Shoes
Hey speaking of things that DON'T suck rocks, take a look at what JUMPED into my cart today and came home with me.

Aren't they pretty? Even Johnny said yes! And they look super-fantastic with the top I'm wearing today. And they're comfy. And they were so inexpensive that if I only wear them one summer I've still gotten my money's worth, so I refuse to feel guilty, even if I AM trying to be virtuous regarding money as well as food. Actually I HAVE been pretty virtuous about shoes. These are the first pair I've bought in weeks and weeks. I should've waited a while to take the photo though. You can still see the strap marks from the also-super-fantastic sandals I was wearing earlier. Oops.
And the Quilt In Progress
Since a couple of you have asked, here is an in-progress shot of what I'm currently working on, but don't blame me if it makes no sense whatsoever! I still plan to add some stronger lines and shading to the shoes to give them more contrast and this is only one part of the whole thing, so you'll just have to wait and see what else is happening in what is obviously the next quilt in my Shoe Quilt series. If you want to see a larger pic in a new window, click on this one:
And a Virtue Report
Back to the whole virtue thing, I haven't posted a virtue update in a day or two because there's really nothing to report. I'm still trying to follow improved habits. (And doing pretty well at it too!) However I'm still seeing no visible change, either in the number on the scale OR in how my clothes fit. But I'm sticking with it and telling myself how much good it's doing me on the inside. It IS, right??
I'm planning a cheating event on Saturday, though. I'm driving up to see my friend Sally Anne and she lives right down the street from what she assures me is the best coffee shop in Cincinnati. We're going to go there and I plan to buy something completely decadent and enjoy every minute of it. HA!
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