Thursday, April 14, 2005

To B or Not to B

Not to B(order)? If that is the case, I can start to layer and quilt. I finished the last four small blocks yesterday afternoon and pieced everything together last night. Oh, and Gerrie asked if these were fused and I meant to reply in another post and forgot. Yep, the blocks are a combination of piecing and fusing. Piefusion, if you like. Here's a pic of the quilt top if I decide to stick a fork in it and move on to quilting. To B(order)? Here is my attempt to do a mock-up in Photoshop of what this thing will look like if I do the expansion I had in mind. Keep in mind that my Photoshop "skills" (for lack of a better word) are far less than that of the average 12-year-old, so you'll have to use your imagination and pretend things like "the lines are straight" and "the blocks meet", and so on. I'm still dithering on this issue, so feel free to discuss among yourselves. Just be prepared for the possibility of abrupt and apparently illogical decisions, because, well...I do that sort of thing. TraLaLaaaaa.....