Since I've officially designated my studio as my favorite room in the house (and since Artful Quilter Ringleader Diane was talking about enjoying seeing pics of other people's work spaces), I thought I'd give you a little photo tour (mess and all!). Click on any photo you'd like to see larger.

Starting at the entrance (look carefully, and you can see a glimpse of the dining room area of the great room through the doorway), here are floor to ceiling shelves holding books and fabric. The mess in front of the shelves is a combination of magazines I want to pull photos from before throwing them away, and books I intend to list on eBay or You can
just see the very edge of the 'puter desk on the far right.

Moving on counter-clockwise, here is the corner with the 'puter desk and inspiration board. I spend
way too much time in this corner.

Continuing the same direction, here is the next corner, with my bead/Tarot deck storage cabinet, and an old china cabinet (purchased at a yard sale and refinished by J and me), holding a combination of small finished quilts, fabric, and other supplies. You can also see my currently-piled-with-fabric cutting table, with more fabric on shelves underneath, and the beginnings of my sewing table. Johnny built my cutting and sewing tables.

Next, a better view of my sewing table, along with the corner of the other bookshelf wall.

Finally, here's a full view of the wall of bookshelves, with my hanging flannel design "wall" over one section. You can see the edge of the door on the far right, so that takes us back to where we started!
Hope you enjoyed the tour of my favorite room. :-)
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